How to write a GREAT Functional Assessment and Behavior Plan
Fri, Nov 12
Ever wonder what really needs to be in a good functional assessment, or why we write them? And how that should flow into a behavior plan? Here's a step-by-step guide on the elements of each and how they work together.

Time & Location
Nov 12, 2021, 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM EST
About the Event
We will discuss…
We will also…
1.5 Ethics CEUs
1.5 CEUs + access to member group after the webinar to participate in peer feedback on FBAs and Behavior Plans.
$25.00+$0.63 service feeSale endedStudent Ticket
If you do not need a CEU this option may work for you. You will also have access to the member group after the webinar, where you can get peer feedback on plans and FBAs.
$0.00Sale endedWebinar + FA and Plan Review
This will provide you with 1.5 Ethics CEUs, access to the live webinar and a individualized review of an anonymized Functional Assessment and Behavior Plan by Dr. Shea with feedback.
$125.00+$3.13 service feeSale ended